Do They Celebrate Birthdays in Heaven?

My son’s birthday is today. Jewish tradition places great importance on the day of a person’s death, the yahrzeit, but not so much on the day of birth. Ever since my parents passed away, I observe their yahrzeits each year. I just never think about their birthdays.  After I lost my son Jacob, his birthday... Continue Reading →

Visiting My Child’s Grave

One of the Hardest Things for Me to Do is Visit My Son’s Grave.  Although it’s been over two years since my son suddenly passed away at 24 years of age, I dread going to the cemetery. I even get depressed just thinking about going. Carrying the grief of child loss, sadness and depression doesn't... Continue Reading →

Accepting Comfort After Child Loss

Living In An Intense Stage Of Grief It’s been a bit more than two years since my son passed away at age 24. Whereas the intense sadness, anger, and depression have subsided, at times I still find myself agitated and miserable. These moments are usually the result of a physical or emotional trigger like being... Continue Reading →

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